Legal warning
This website is the DE LA MUR website, which is dedicated to the manufacture, preparation and sale of exclusive bags, the company's NIF is number 52141958S. You can contact DE LA MUR as follows:
The user of the web, by accessing and browsing it, undertakes to use it in accordance with the legislation in force at all times, with the browsing conditions established therein, and the conditions established in this Legal Notice, as well as in accordance with morals, Generally accepted good customs and public order. The user will respond to DE LA MUR and/or third parties, for any damages that may be caused as a result of the breach of this obligation. Access and navigation through this website implies accepting and knowing the legal warnings that are collected here. Mere access does not imply the establishment of any kind of relationship between DE LA MUR and the user. In this legal notice, modifications of the MUR deems necessary may be made at any time, regardless of its purpose, as long as it respects the applicable regulations. DE LA MUR may prohibit access to this website for any user who performs illegal conduct. The user of this website must refrain, in any case, from deleting, altering, evading or manipulating any protection device or security system that may be installed in it.
All rights reserved. All the contents present on the web, understanding these by way of enunciative and non-limiting, the texts, images, photographs, sounds, files, logos, source codes, color combinations, or any other element, as well as the structure and design, The selection and form of presentation of the materials included on the same website and the computer programs necessary for their operation, access and use are subject to the intellectual and industrial property rights belonging to DE LA MUR or to third parties. In this sense, it is established that the user may use them only for their personal and private use and undertakes not to use them for commercial purposes or for their exploitation, distribution, reproduction, public communication, technical use of reverse engineering, or modify or alter them without the corresponding prior written authorization of the owner, Except cases in which it is legally allowed. All publications, brands, trade names or distinctive signs of any kind that appear on this website are the property of DE LA. MUR or third parties, without it being understood that the use or access to the web attributes to the user any right to the aforementioned publications, brands, trade names and/or distinctive signs or to any of the contents that appear.
The use of this website was carried out at the user's own and risk. DE LA MUR is not responsible for the misuse that the user can make of this website. DE LA MUR will not be responsible for the errors and omissions that this website may contain, nor will it be or may be considered responsible for any damage derived from the use of the website or for any action carried out based on the information that appears. DE LA MUR does not guarantee the absence of viruses or other harmful elements that may cause damage or technical alterations to the user's computer systems, electronic documents or files. Consequently, DE LA MUR does not respond for the damages that the aforementioned elements may cause to the user or to third parties.
The data collected will be used by DE LA MUR to register the User on this website, for the commercialization of the products offered, answer queries, claims as well as for the maintenance and search for an opportunity to improve the commercial relationship that they maintain with DE LA MUR, In accordance with the privacy policy that appears on this website.
The user explicitly consents that DE LA MUR can send commercial communications by any means with full respect for the applicable legislation.
For commercial communications made through email and equivalent means in compliance with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, the consent of the user will be duly obtained at the time of collecting personal data. If you do not want to receive communications electronically, you can revoke it at any time. In this sense, to revoke the consent for receipt by email of advertising or promotional information, it will be sufficient for you to notify us OF LA MUR by sending a message to the email address indicating in the subject I DO NOT WISH TO RECEIVE COMMERCIAL COMMUNICATIONS BY ELECTRONIC CORREO
Any disputed issue or, in general, controversy that may occur in relation to the use of this website must be resolved in accordance with Spanish legislation by the Courts and Tribunals of Granollers, to which the parties expressly submit and renouncing their own jurisdiction that may correspond, If it is not solved by mutual agreement.